Saturday, June 19, 2004

About Time You Realized

There comes a time in everyone's life when they must step back and re-evaluate the life that they are living.

How often do you wake up and find yourself sayin, I dont want to go to work today, I wish I wasnt going to work today or I wish My husband would wake up before me for once and make breakfast or I hope I can leave home before she wakes up I dont want to deal with her first thing in the morning (Oh forget the fact that you bonked her the night before).

You are living the life which you chose and you shaped with your desires, needs, wants and obviously choices you made. But when you find yorself waking up from a dream, from the previous night, from your lunch break, weekend, of just train of thought, and realize that you wish you werent doing what you're doing, werent with the person you're with or the place or city or even the country that you're in ... Dont go back to sleep ... WAKE UP!

Only you hold the key and the power to make the change, no miracle man will come save you from the hole that you are burried inside of. Only you dug yourself in and only you hold the shovel that will dig you out of it.

So next time, make a change no matter how small, make your choice and make it right because it will only take a few choices which YOU make, and it will only take a few little tries to change the course of your life and the future you hold.

I'm really upset about all the people who put themselves in bad relationships, litterally build a bad relationship around themselves from scratch and do an excellent job of it for no reason whatsoever to just bitch about it. Its no one's fault but yourself and if you look back at the choices you made you will realize that you really could've done better but what you seem to foget is the most crucial fact of all times ... It's NEVER to LATE .... Make the change, Make the change from TODAY !

Don't sit on your butt and don't feel sorry for yourself. Never Feel SORRY for yourself. It wont get you ANYWHERE except for if you were standing in your hole, you'd now sit down ,, instead of that ... start digging your way out and bring yourself back up on the ground damnit!

I hope this makes SOME sense to SOMEONE and I hope that someone will atleast make a SLIGHT EFFORT to make the change in their life.... BELIEVE in yourself and TRY to make a change ... BELIEVE and You can DO IT !


At Sunday, June 20, 2004 6:00:00 AM, Blogger Di said...

was that about me?
that hurts, dude. :(

At Monday, June 21, 2004 9:47:00 PM, Blogger The One Ocean said...

Hell NO !

Okay On my BLOG ... everything I write is My rantings to the world ... Not specifically aimed at any one particular individual ...

They're just my THOUGHTS and IDEAS :)

At Monday, June 21, 2004 9:48:00 PM, Blogger The One Ocean said...

P.S: I was actually hoping you mighthave something to add to the Infatuation question which was why i had sent the link ... LOL I guess you arrived here too late and saw the wrong post up already!

At Tuesday, June 22, 2004 1:05:00 AM, Blogger Di said...

lol. ok ima check on that one ;)


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