Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Website Says 'Send Me the Money or I'll Kill The Bunny!' Updated: Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2005 - 3:44 PM
WTOP's Brennan Haselton has more reaction to the Save Toby website.
Brennan Haselton, WTOP Radio
Elmer Fudd would undoubtedly be proud, but others have a much different opinion of a new website that delivers a blunt message -- "Send me some money, or I'll kill the bunny!"
The Save Toby website shows a cute little rabbit named Toby who the website operator says will be dinner unless $50,000 in donations are received by June 30.
The website operator says the money is to help take care of the bunny, who was found under a porch after an attack by an alley cat.
Some people we talked to think the whole thing is sick, a horrible way to make money, and that the website operator has a little too much time on his hands. People we talked to also had mixed opinions on whether it is real.
However, we found one person who says that he likes rabbit, especially with brown gravy and onions.
The website claims that it has received $15,000 in donated funds. There is also a store where you can buy Save Toby coffee mugs, bumper stickers, and even thongs. If you like to eat rabbit, there is also a page with recipes.
So is it all a joke? So far, the website's operator has declined to comment.
(Copyright 2005 by WTOP Radio. All Rights Reserved.)


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