Sunday, November 26, 2006

Chat-up lines: good, bad and very ugly

"I thought it was sweet when a man said to me, 'If you were a tear in my eye, I wouldn't cry for fear of losing you.'" Ashly Rae (no 32)

"Can I buy you a drink, or would you just like the money?" Helen Flood (no 35)

"I'm Justin. Justincredible."Christina Lawrie (no 16)

"Are you going to finish that drink?"Gary Lightbody (no 1)

"Do you know the weight of a polar bear? No? Well, it broke the ice." Ian Murray (no 37)

"I'd like to come to Scotland with you. Are there airports there?" Maeve Gillies (no 8)

"A filmmaker guest of the Festival said to me, 'You look tired. You should come and lie down in my hotel room.'" Hannah McGill (no 7)

"Great legs, sexy shoes, feet like Frodo Baggins." Rebecca Hamilton (no 20)

"I'm new in town. Could you give me directions to your house?"Laura Westmacott (no 23)

"On our first date, my last boyfriend crashed into his mate's car because he was watching me in his rear mirror." Heather Darroch (no 18)

"A female friend of mine was at a club when a bloke came up to her, licked his fingertip, ran it down the front of her dress and said, 'Let's get you out of those wet clothes.' I would have sent him a dry-cleaning bill." Faith Liddell (no 21)

"A youth on a bus said to me, 'You look good for your age.' But I'm only 29, for God's sake!" Kelly Valentine Hendry (no 13)

"In Barbados, our tour guide took a great liking to me, saying, 'I'm just a guy with a boat, but give me a chance.' Very sweet, but his dental hygiene left a lot to be desired." Sally Gray (no 19)

"You look just like Kelly McGillis, but in Witness, not Top Gun." Samantha Lockhart (no 38)

"Somebody once said to me, 'I'm really, really drunk, but can I take you home in a taxi?' I said no." Sian McGrath (no 17)

"Baby, you're so hot that you should be held responsible for global warming." Catherine MacDonald-Keir (no 37)

"I was once asked, 'Has anyone ever said that you look like José Mourinho?' I would have been flattered, but the woman who asked was a good 15 years older than me, and a little the worse for wear." Rob Morrice (no 28)

"Someone once said I looked awfully familiar and asked me if I'd ever done any porn!" Heidi Tweedie (no 47)

"I once heard a friend say to a girl, 'Where are the bruises you got when you fell from heaven?' She threw up." Lorne Cousin, pictured (no 20)

"You make my liver quiver." Debi Edward (no 11)


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