Monday, November 20, 2006

Man hands over wife to pay debt

A Romanian man has handed over his wife to a creditor as payment for his debts.

Emil Iancu, from tIghisu Nou, gave his wife Daniela to 72-year-old Jozef Justien Lostrie when he turned up on his doorstep to collect a £1,800 debt.

Iancu said: "I had no money to pay the debt and when I told Lostrie he said he would take my wife instead.

"I was scared of what he would do and so I signed a document saying Daniela would live with him."

But Daniela says the deal has proved better for her.

"Before I had to clean the house and look after our three children on my own, while Emil did nothing, but now I'm treated like a guest and hardly have to raise a finger," she said.


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