Thursday, November 30, 2006

Monday May 27th Beats Any Friday 13th !!!

Britain's most jinxed day - Monday the 27th

Forget Friday the 13th - insurers say Monday the 27th is really the unluckiest day.

More people suffer mishaps when the 27th is a Monday than on any other day, insurers AA warn.

Their report, based on one million claims, dispels the myth that Friday the 13th is the date to fear most.

The firm's Kevin Sinclair said: "Friday the 13th is associated with bad luck.

"But records show you're more likely to have an accident or break something on Monday the 27th."

Monday the 27th disasters include a cat that started a house blaze by toppling a candle, and a man who put his foot through a ceiling while fetching Christmas decorations from his loft.

There have been two other months this year when the date has fallen on a Monday - in February and March. But the good news is the next is not until August 2007.


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