Monday, November 20, 2006

A pubic service

A New York firm is making waves in the beauty world with its new range of pubic hair dyes

Betty Beauty, which bills its products as 'colour for the hair down there', has been featured on television and in magazines such as Vogue.

Founder Nancy Jarecki came up with the idea when she was living in Rome three years ago, reports Advertising Age.

She noticed as women left the salon, the colourist would discreetly slip them little brown bags.

"They would receive it with such delight, kiss kiss, and away they would go," she said.

Curious, she asked the receptionist what the women were getting in those little bags and was told "to match down there."

"I thought: 'Of course, who wouldn't want to be a true blonde?'" Ms Jarecki said.

So she worked with a chemist and toxicologist to develop a gentle, no-drip formulation and speciality application tools.

Betty Beauty is now sold in five colours - Brown Betty, Blonde Betty, Auburn Betty, Black Betty and Fun Betty (bright pink) - priced at about £10 a box. also sells T-shirts that ask: "Is your betty ready?" And the firm says its products are not just aimed at women.

"Men can be betties, too," Ms. Jarecki said.


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