Thursday, December 07, 2006

Tots wrap up for outdoor winter lessons

A primary school has issued pupils with all-weather suits so they can have lessons outside when it's raining.

Pott Row First School, near King's Lynn, Norfolk, wants to provide half of all lessons outside within two years.

Headteacher Michelle Petzer told the BBC that all 49 pupils had been given the jumpsuits.

She said the move followed staff comments that the children were much happier and found it easier to concentrate out in the fresh air.

"We realised the children worked much better and were happier if they had been outside during the day," she said.

"If the children hadn't been outside, perhaps because it was raining, members of staff would say 'they are not listening because they have not had the chance to run around'.

"We realised that it is essential for the pupils to have the opportunity to play outdoors no matter what the weather conditions."

Mrs Petzer said staff and parents had been extremely supportive of the idea.

The school, which caters for children aged between four and eight, is now looking for a sponsor to help raise funds for a log cabin where the youngsters can enjoy lessons.


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