Thursday, February 08, 2007

Bored wardens shoot diplomat's dog

Bulgarian park wardens have sparked a diplomatic row after they shot a Russian diplomat's pet dog because they were bored.

The Russian consul in the Bulgarian city of Russe is demanding action after his beloved pet labrador Mecho was shot dead by the park wardens as target practice.

They were employed at a park near his residence and the dog, that was used to walking there with its master, ran to the park after getting out of the embassy unnoticed one evening.

Yuri Trushin said he only noticed the dog was missing the next morning. When he went out to look for him he found the animal's body peppered with gunshot wounds in the park alongside other dead hounds.

Trushin said witnesses had seen local park guards "entertaining themselves" the previous night by shooting at the dogs in the park.

He said: "I have written to the local police to express my anger, and also urged the Russian foreign ministry to get involved and do something over this.

"I am going to meet other members of the Russian diplomatic corps in the next few days to tell them all about the kind of travesties here."


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