Thursday, April 05, 2007

Woman steals car by mistake

A Romanian woman has turned herself in to the police after she mistakenly stole a car on her way home from church.

The woman told police she borrowed a car from a friend to go to an evening sermon in the town of Miercurea Ciuc, Harghita county.

After the service, the woman, whose identity was not revealed, went to what she believed was the same car, unlocked the doors, started the engine and drove back to her friend's house.

In the morning, the friend realised she had the wrong car in the garage and called the woman who realised her mistake and went to the police.

Local police confirmed the two cars of Romanian brand Dacia had the same colour and their keys fit one another.

The car's owner decided not to press any charges.

Tuesday 3rd April 2007


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