Monday, June 21, 2004

Man ... Oh How I Hate Man...

A man is never seen how he really is, even through his own eyes.I know this after being loved by many yet truly being despised by an equally large number. Sometimes I wonder if I am despised more or loved more.
I don't know much about the ways of the world but I know this much that there's one thing that will never change. That is man's cruelty towards other men. I know not why for centuries man has fought for power and for money. But power seems to be the one thing which makes man even shed his own brother's blood. May it be the power to control his brother's business or his brother's wife? The quest for power can turn even the greatest and the kindest of all men into a monster.
Is the man to be blamed or the society for these acts of horror or should we just simply blame everything on Satan, if looking from a religious point of view?
What is it that shapes man into what he does? After all a man is not who he thinks he is and definitely not what others think of him to be. A man is what he does and his actions shape and mould him into being the person he becomes, be it a loving father or a mass murderer.
How does man loose control of his own self for it is after he has lost control of his self, that he embarks upon the quest for power, and most often than not it does not mean making or building power for himself through his actions, but taking power from another man with deeds. Oh his deeds, the deeds which reflect more and more corruption and dishonesty as he falls further and further into the bottomless pit of no self control and no ethical respect for his being.
Is it a crime to crave power over another human being?
I don't know to be honest; I guess it all depends on how you view things. But one thing I know is that all people do crave power of one form or another, power over other people, you can admit it and I won't think of you as shallow, in fact I would applaud you for it is the first step you can take towards being a better human being. And who knows one day it could prove to be the difference between being a mass murderer or a loving father and a caring husband.


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