Thursday, March 31, 2005

Freudian Beauty

One day in retrospect the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful.
~ Sigmund Freud

Now I know what he's talking about coz ive lived that one day already but then the problem is that if youreally think about it ... the whole entire life is nothing but a chase after a dream or a goal ..... if it not one goal then its sevral simultaneously, or perhaps one goal after another and the beat goes on and on and on ..... but the point is that no matter what your ultimate goal may be in life, you chase after it, you crave it you desire it want it need it even dream about it and then one day comes when you get it... THEN WHAT HAPPENS THE NEXT DAY..... BOOM.... its all over, all the excitement all the rush, the mad passion and the adrenaline rush ... its all gone ..... and for some .... well right before they are about to reach that ultimate goal, right before they can touch it, feel it experiance it .. HAVE IT .... it all ends ... death embraces em and there's no coming back. One goal after another ....

Material posessions of this world even other humans can be so posessive of your soul that they just dont wanna make you leave ... damnit. that sux


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