Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Have Your Benn Waiting For Sony PlayStation 3 ???

Well Then Brace yourself!!!

PS3 - a smash

Practical jokers in New York waited for hours to buy a PlayStation 3 - then smashed it in front of shoppers behind them in the queue.

The pranksters took a sledgehammer to Sony's latest offering as stunned gamers looked on, reports ITN.

The consumer terrorists are from the website and more recently, which ensured Nintendo's console received the same treatment.

They began their practical joke campaign by raising £210 on their website, which enabled them to buy an iPod and smash it outside a store.

A statement on the website claims to have nothing against the companies making money but 'exists for the sole purpose of providing satisfaction to people who hate the Nintendo Revolution'.

The project also says: "This is only a social experiment, for the entertainment of the donors, and visitors of this site."

And there you have it, Sony Playstation 3 meets Sledgehammer !!!
For the full story AND an Actual Video Of the "Smashing" Direct your browsers to :
Have Fun!


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