Thursday, November 30, 2006

Woman's MySpace revenge

A woman got revenge on her cheating boyfriend by hijacking his MySpace page.

Sam Deakin found out Matt East, 25, was having an affair with one woman and trying to date another 20.

So she changed the welcome note on his page to say: "I'm a pathological liar. I cheat regularly."

She then mimicked the Mastercard TV commercial, reports the Sun.

She wrote: "Dinner in a posh restaurant...$100. Night in a top hotel...$200. Finding out your boyfriend is a lying scumbag and changing his MySpace page so everyone can see...PRICELESS."

She changed his password so he couldn't hack in and alter what she had done.

The site received more than 250,000 hits in five days with women slagging off Matt as a "total loser".

Mum-of-two Sam, a website designer from Bournemouth, Dorset, said: "I wanted to show him up for who he is."

Sam revealed he asked one girl: "You, me, handcuffs, whipped-cream. How about it?"

The site has been closed by MySpace.

Matt, of Bournemouth, said: "I admit I cheated. I'm just a man."


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