Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Phallic Xmas tree upsets neighbours

08:31 Tuesday 12th December 2006

A South Yorkshire man upset his neighbours - with his willy-shape outdoor Christmas tree.

Alan Parkin, 47, from Penistone, trimmed his 10ft conifer into a phallic shape and decorated it with red and white lights.

But his prank upset his neighbours who complained to police, reports the Daily Mirror.

One said: "It's rather rude. There are children and teenagers about and I don't think it's good for them to see." Another added: "It's just obscene. We shouldn't have to put up with it."

Officers visited his home and asked him to remove the lights to make the tree less suggestive.

But Mr Parkin has agreed to go all the way - and give the tree the snip.

He said: "It was just a laugh. If it offended anybody, then the shape will be altered.

"I was amazed when police called around. They said they had received a complaint and would I mind removing the lights so it didn't look offensive."

But not all neighbours were outraged. Constance Barnard, a widow in her 60s, said: "It doesn't bother me.

"I didn't know we had anyone around here so pious as to complain to police. I'm a churchgoer but I don't think about it. I'm a live-and-let-live lady."


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