Wednesday, June 23, 2004

A Soulmate...

A soul mate is someone who can look into your eyes and see the love that runs deep within your soul and how it interwines his/her soul with yours.

A soulmate is someone upon whom when you rest your tired eyes at the end of a long day, you know there is nothiong better in the world that you want to be looking at at that momnent in time as just the sight makes all your aches, pains and hardships of the day seem trivial and they begin to wash away.

A soulmate is someone who when you hold in your arms you feel COMPLETE, and can exhale and let go of yourself and have nothing to fear and no regrets about you past present or future.

A soulmate is someone who no matter how near or far, is always in your everybreath, every drop of blood and burried deep within each and every heartbeat of yours.

A soulmate is one that always is no matter if their physical presence is there to touch and hold or not. In this life and the next....

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Something on Love

Just something I wrote not too long ago in an answer to a simple question someone had posed to me .... Thouhgt I'd bring it in here and hope that you guys find it an interesting read ... lemme know what your opinion is of the question .... :D

Do U Think Someoone could love 2 people at the same time 01/08/04 10:14 PM


There are different kinds of love.
True love ... Again there can be different kinds of true love.

You can not limit love to a simple love of a man by a woman or viceversa.

If you ask a mother if she truly loves her three kids she will tell you that she does and if you asked her if she loves all three the same she will say yes she does.

SO if its possible for a woman to truly love her three children equally and just as much then is it not possible for the same woman or another woman to truly love her first husband and her second husband?

(or first boyfriend and second boyfriend)

If all humans were created equally shouldnt the ability to truly love more than one inidvidual be also posessed by men, or is it just something which women are previlaged to?

Let me tell you something... When it comes to Love, each individual has their own different ideas about what love is and what true love is and what "love" is and even what puppy love is.

Each and everyone of us goes through different stages in our lives and through different scenarios and circumstances our defination of love and the love we have for someone changes.

I will try and create a typical male scenario ... perhaps I am wrong but I will try to do it anyway to get a better idea of whats happening here...

When I am 10 years old my crush happens to be the girl that sits across from me in my geography lesson. I dont even know what love means at that time... I am infatuated by her.

When I'm 16 hormones are playing a huge part in my ideology of love and I dont think that anyone know knows how to touch me the right way probably loves and if they do it good hell I love them more than anything else.
Somewhere along the lines I start developing strong feelings for one particular girl and tell myself that I am in love and she's the only person I want to spend the rest of my life with and I dont realize it but what I think is true love, may very well turn out to be just puppy love when I'm over her or she tells me to get a life.

When I'm 20 I've gone through some good relationships and some bad ones and I have now set myself SOME standards but those standards are NOT for love but for companionship. When I am in this girls company she kisses me and tells me I love you and say i love you too baby but neither she nor I know the true depth and meaning of Love and the responsibilities and honour attached to love.

When I'm 25 I've definitely had my share of bad relationships and now am looking for a perticular individuals who offers meaning to the word relationship. When I find someone who matches it as close as possible I tell them I love them but Still ... DO I really?

When I'm 30 and getting married to someone it could be one of the two reason...
1- I've found that one special person with whom ofcourse everything comes naturally where I dont have to say anything or ask for anything she already knows and she doesnt have to ask anything I do it for her without realizing that I am actually doing something for her. I dont think of impressing her I dont think of winning her i dont think she is a prize to me... To me she is a missing part of me ... And I want to spend the rest of my life with her .... And hopefully I do love her somewhere in between all that.
2- I am ready to settle down because I need someone to come home to and someone who cares for me cooks for me and cleans after me so i can concentrate on my plan for world domination (beleive it or not a lot of people do get married for that reason both men and women,,,, simply because they wanna have a family and they're tired of being alone) In thatse there is rarely ever love involved but they both deceive themselves that it exists somewhere in their relationship and may even over time grow to love one another.

When I'm 40 I remember that college sweetheart who had the greatest ass and the most beautiful pair of knoockers on her and I am dreaming of her when I'm screwing my wife whilst she's dreaming of some hunk she dated back in college too but we're both too ashamed to admit and are cowards and too consumed by the ocnvenience of the relationship that we close our eyes picture that person in our head... have an orgasm,,, roll over kiss tell each other how much we love one another and go to sleep.

When I'm 50 ... I realize that I'm old not many women are interested anymore and the only woman who has stuck by my side is most likely my wife ... I'f I'm lucky and realize that i have never truly appreciated her for all the things she's done for me and then I start falling in love with her and realizing how wonderful she really is... By this time she's usually frustrated because I need to use Viagra and rememberes how I've always considered her a convenience and not appreciated her enough and she see's that all her kids are grown up and thats all she cares about a lot more than this man in her life who does nothing but grumble and mumble crap day in day out all day long.

I'm 60 and divorced and know for sure that I'm in love with my ex wife and know for real that I never really loved anyone more than my wife.

Women go through the same kind of viscious cycle but again about this I'm guessing.... Men's cycle I know because I've spoken to enough men on four different continents in different ages to know that its pretty close to reality the picture Ive painted above as a typical man.

The whole issue can be avoided if we understand the fact that there is a MAJOR difference between

- Love - as in loving someone and

A lot of us always manage to do a wonderful job of confusing ourselves with being in love with someone when we really ARE NOT IN LOVE with them and just love them for who they are and respect them for all the loving they send our way.

When you are IN love ... you cant fall out of love... SO if you think that you were IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE once upon a time but you no longer are ... if you dwelled deep enough you will find out that you never really were infact IN LOVE and simply loved them.

The heart is a wonderful place .... everytime you love someone and they break your heart and it doesnt work out ... the heart gets a little scar or a scratch and as time goes by the heart is all scarred all over the place and you remember each and every individual by the scar they left behind and that scar is the proof that you loved them once and still hold them in your heart in the shape of a little scar.
But when you are IN LOVE with someone ... They move into your heart and take over all the space in your heart and then flow in your veins and through your whole body and eventually become a part of your soul ...
Once someone is a part of your soul ... only death can tear their physical body apart from you but even after death they remain a part of your soul and you continue to love them as you did on day 1 and till the day you die.

When we love someone we put the person we love before our needs and their happiness comes first. There is no such thing as selfish love ... if its selfish .. its not love.
So dont confuse yourself if you claim that you are in love with someone but she doesnt do something the way you like ... Wake up ... Either you are not in love with her ... and even if you are cahnces are she may very well not be in love with you.

SO in light of all this ... can you love 2 people at the same time ...
You can love as many people as you like at the same time.

Can you be in love with more than one person at the same time...

I dont think so but that is my personal opinion ... because I dont have enough energy in my body or my soul to allow two different people to devour.

I dont know about others

But for sure ... in order to first understand this ... we need to understand ourselves and understand how much honour and respect we have for love and for the one we're in love with. reply

Woman ...

Now please read this with a pinch of salt and an open mind LOL ;P~

When I think of woman or the female counter parts in society that I live in the first thing that comes to my mind is THANK YOU GOD.

Thank you for making women, Thank you for bringing them into this world, if it wasn't for a woman, I wouldn't even exist.

A Woman is such an important entity in society that no one cares to acknowledge its benifits, perhaps because Man doesnt want to let his guard down and loose his control.
But little does man realize that although He may be the Head of the family the woman is always the NECK.
So take a wild guess as to which way the head turns? Defnitely the way that the NECK wants it to turn.

Women in today's world are very intelligent, low keyed and once they overcome their emotional barriers can shape this society that we live in, in any way they please.

Trust me, If Eve can persuade Adam to eat the apple, defy God and be banished from Heavens forever... Now imagine what a woman can do for you.

I am not saying that the woman will always bring upon you destruction but by nature As adam had to leave a life of bliss and happinessand, I'm sure one can see why Eve could've been the cause of his pain.

So if you're a man, and the next time you are emotionally hurt, mentally abused, physically tortured... Just remember it is not your woman whose fault it is.... It's Eve's fault. Cast aside your anger and your fear and provide your woman with nurturing and love and undersatnding. With those ingredients not only will you create a wonderful humanbeing but you will find love and trust and faith which can enable you to do great things one amongst those, making her a mother.

God Help Man to get over Woman !!!

Monday, June 21, 2004

Man ... Oh How I Hate Man...

A man is never seen how he really is, even through his own eyes.I know this after being loved by many yet truly being despised by an equally large number. Sometimes I wonder if I am despised more or loved more.
I don't know much about the ways of the world but I know this much that there's one thing that will never change. That is man's cruelty towards other men. I know not why for centuries man has fought for power and for money. But power seems to be the one thing which makes man even shed his own brother's blood. May it be the power to control his brother's business or his brother's wife? The quest for power can turn even the greatest and the kindest of all men into a monster.
Is the man to be blamed or the society for these acts of horror or should we just simply blame everything on Satan, if looking from a religious point of view?
What is it that shapes man into what he does? After all a man is not who he thinks he is and definitely not what others think of him to be. A man is what he does and his actions shape and mould him into being the person he becomes, be it a loving father or a mass murderer.
How does man loose control of his own self for it is after he has lost control of his self, that he embarks upon the quest for power, and most often than not it does not mean making or building power for himself through his actions, but taking power from another man with deeds. Oh his deeds, the deeds which reflect more and more corruption and dishonesty as he falls further and further into the bottomless pit of no self control and no ethical respect for his being.
Is it a crime to crave power over another human being?
I don't know to be honest; I guess it all depends on how you view things. But one thing I know is that all people do crave power of one form or another, power over other people, you can admit it and I won't think of you as shallow, in fact I would applaud you for it is the first step you can take towards being a better human being. And who knows one day it could prove to be the difference between being a mass murderer or a loving father and a caring husband.

Saturday, June 19, 2004

About Time You Realized

There comes a time in everyone's life when they must step back and re-evaluate the life that they are living.

How often do you wake up and find yourself sayin, I dont want to go to work today, I wish I wasnt going to work today or I wish My husband would wake up before me for once and make breakfast or I hope I can leave home before she wakes up I dont want to deal with her first thing in the morning (Oh forget the fact that you bonked her the night before).

You are living the life which you chose and you shaped with your desires, needs, wants and obviously choices you made. But when you find yorself waking up from a dream, from the previous night, from your lunch break, weekend, of just train of thought, and realize that you wish you werent doing what you're doing, werent with the person you're with or the place or city or even the country that you're in ... Dont go back to sleep ... WAKE UP!

Only you hold the key and the power to make the change, no miracle man will come save you from the hole that you are burried inside of. Only you dug yourself in and only you hold the shovel that will dig you out of it.

So next time, make a change no matter how small, make your choice and make it right because it will only take a few choices which YOU make, and it will only take a few little tries to change the course of your life and the future you hold.

I'm really upset about all the people who put themselves in bad relationships, litterally build a bad relationship around themselves from scratch and do an excellent job of it for no reason whatsoever to just bitch about it. Its no one's fault but yourself and if you look back at the choices you made you will realize that you really could've done better but what you seem to foget is the most crucial fact of all times ... It's NEVER to LATE .... Make the change, Make the change from TODAY !

Don't sit on your butt and don't feel sorry for yourself. Never Feel SORRY for yourself. It wont get you ANYWHERE except for if you were standing in your hole, you'd now sit down ,, instead of that ... start digging your way out and bring yourself back up on the ground damnit!

I hope this makes SOME sense to SOMEONE and I hope that someone will atleast make a SLIGHT EFFORT to make the change in their life.... BELIEVE in yourself and TRY to make a change ... BELIEVE and You can DO IT !

Monday, June 07, 2004


I dont understand what infatuation has to do with destructive lust .... Anyone?

I will post my views on the subject very soon...
