Wednesday, June 23, 2004

A Soulmate...

A soul mate is someone who can look into your eyes and see the love that runs deep within your soul and how it interwines his/her soul with yours.

A soulmate is someone upon whom when you rest your tired eyes at the end of a long day, you know there is nothiong better in the world that you want to be looking at at that momnent in time as just the sight makes all your aches, pains and hardships of the day seem trivial and they begin to wash away.

A soulmate is someone who when you hold in your arms you feel COMPLETE, and can exhale and let go of yourself and have nothing to fear and no regrets about you past present or future.

A soulmate is someone who no matter how near or far, is always in your everybreath, every drop of blood and burried deep within each and every heartbeat of yours.

A soulmate is one that always is no matter if their physical presence is there to touch and hold or not. In this life and the next....


At Wednesday, June 23, 2004 9:06:00 AM, Blogger The One Ocean said...

What I was speaking about was that one moment in time where you close your eyes and you know it in every ounce of your soul that you are at that particular moment eternaly happy and that if time would freeze, you wouldn't care, if your life would end right there and then you wouldn't care. You would be so happy that you wouldn't wany anything more in the world but just to be with the one you loved.

Now A soulmate doesnt necessarily have to be WITH you physically all the time for you to be "happy" or "complete" just the knowledge of the fact that they are there on this planet and that they are alive and well and perhaps that is all what you need.


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