Thursday, March 31, 2005

THIS MONTH: Things that you missed but will affect the future of the world we live in.

Bush Nominates UN Ambassador (March 7): Selects John Bolton, under secretary of state for arms control and international security affairs and critic of the United Nations, as American envoy to the organization.

Bush Selects Hawk as Head of World Bank (March 16): Nominates Paul Wolfowitz, former ambassador to Indonesia and one of the chief advocates of the war in Iraq, as the next president of the World Bank.

Israel to Expand Settlement (March 21): Government announces plans to build 3,500 housing units in Maale Adumim, a West Bank settlement near Jerusalem. Palestinians call the move a violation of the peace plan.

Congress Intervenes in Case of Brain-Damaged Woman (March 20): The House and Senate vote to allow a federal court to rule whether the feeding tube should be reinserted into the mouth of Terri Schiavo, a woman who has been in a persistent vegetative state for 15 years. (March 22): Federal judge James Whittemore refuses to order that the feeding tube be reinserted.

And on a different note:
Obesity Shortens Life Expectancy of Children (March 17): Report in the New England Journal of Medicine indicates that if childhood obesity continues, the current generation of children may be expected to live two to five fewer years than adults today


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