Monday, October 30, 2006

Love your Parents

Its your parents who brought you into this world

and when you were little and didnt understand something

they explained to you a 100 times if they had to

they taught you how to say simple words

that you would keep on saying wrong ...

for example they'd be saying apple ... banana ... to show you the difference between two fruits but youd choose to call both of them apple

and they would keep trying for days and days until you got it right

if you can be 10% as patient to your parents as they were to you when you were growing up ... i think you are a good child of your parents

because to be honest

we ... the children .. can not even be 10% patient with out parents

parents who stayed up whole nights with us

and went through a lot of troubles and sacrifices for us

so ... just give them a break

they loved you no matter how many problems you had or how much you made their life difficult

just give them 10% of the same love and patience and unconditional acceptance they gave you ....

That 10% will be more than enough for them


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