Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Mothers lose Iraq war inquiry bid

An attempt to force the Government to order a public inquiry into Britain's involvement in the Iraq conflict has been rejected by the Court of Appeal.

The mothers of two British soldiers killed in Iraq had challenged the Government's refusal to hold an independent inquiry.

But the court dismissed their claim that the Government was under an implied obligation to hold an independent inquiry under Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which protects the "right to life".

Three appeal judges, in a combined judgment, said: "We have every sympathy for the applicants. The deaths of their sons must be unbearable.

"However, the deaths will be investigated in detail. The only question which will not be investigated is the invasion question, namely whether the Government took reasonable steps to be satisfied that the invasion of Iraq was lawful under the principles of international law."

The case was brought by Beverley Clarke, mother of Trooper David Jeffrey Clarke, and Rose Gentle, mother of Fusilier Gordon Gentle.

Trooper Clarke, 19, from Littleworth, Staffordshire, was one of two soldiers who died in March 2003 in a "friendly fire" incident west of Basra.

Fusilier Gentle, 19, from Glasgow, of the Royal Highland Fusiliers, died in June 2004 in an improvised explosive device attack on British vehicles in Basra.

The two mothers are now likely to petition the Law Lords for permission to appeal to the House of Lords.

After Tuesday's judgment, Chris Nineham, a spokesman for Military Families Against the War, said: "Once more the possibility of a serious inquiry into what led us to war has been closed down. The implication of the ruling is that in matters of war the Government is above the law and is not accountable to the people in any way."


At Saturday, December 16, 2006 4:45:00 AM, Blogger Women on the Verge said...

It's truly apalling that there is no accountability! I just wonder when more of the country ( and world) is going to wake up and realize that we are being driven by a small handful of elite, amoral, power hungry egomaniacs?


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