Monday, March 21, 2005

I know Why Its So Hard !!!

There are too many people in this world that is part of the problem. There’s just too much choice and everyone is searching for someone but they don’t even know themselves what exactly it is that they are looking for. Days go by, and soon months turn into years and then people compromise and settle down with whomever they happen to be in with at the time. Forgetting all the people they gave up, searching for “THE NEXT BEST THING” hoping this next best thing would be the Prince Charming or Anastasia/Cinderella of their dreams. Almost 7 billion people and yet it’s so hard for anyone to find their other half/ their life partner/ their soul mate. Think of Adam and Eve. Forgetting the facts about how they were created. They had it easy. Boy Meets Girl. End of Story. Result: a thousand or so babies. Now, Times have changed. Now it’s more like: Boy Meets Girl. Girl plays hard to get. Boy tries harder. Girl decides to humor Boy. Boy gets bored. Girl realizes she likes him. Boy is already meeting another girl. Girl vows to act differently next time. She meets a different boy. He plays with her heart, her body, and her emotions THEN gets bored. Girl decides she has found the love of her life. Boy is already meeting a more interesting Girl. The same story goes both ways. To be honest. Boy meets Girl. Boy & Girl are stupid enough to fall in love. They decides to humor Each other and stay together (could be a few days, could be a few years). One Day Boy realizes that he wants to spend the rest of his life with Girl and Love her till his death. Girl wakes up and realizes she is no longer in love with him. (Again can happen both ways) Girl leaves Boy. Boy swears on his life that he will break every Girl’s heart after using her and playing with her emotions and her body, just like he was played by Girl. Oh, Life was so simple for Adam and Eve; they really did have their Paradise on Earth. Even though they were kicked out of Eden


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