Sunday, March 20, 2005

Lazy Sunday

"You're nobody, til somebody loves you," Frank Sinatra

I've slept in today and got up late! So far having a really lazy laid back sunday. Decided to sort through some old boxes and came upon one with all the letters and cards and whatnots I've received all over the years from friends, family. Going all the way to when I was a kid away at school. Now looking back at it all, I'm not quite sure what to do with it all.

Memories... good memories, bad memories... words scibbled on paper with hasty hands full of emotion, full of love. Sometimes even full of hope and often wisdom. Reading these makes me feel as if time stood still, just for a moment, for that brief moment in time, until I snap back to reality and... There's nothing left... except memories alone, no longer good, no longer bad... But just simple memories from the past, long forgotten so long ago.

Perhaps that is where they belong.



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