Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Dear The One Ocean,

Why does it happen that men more often betray women and lie than women do? ~ Zika
Let me tell you something which probably no man will dare speak about, out loud. I don’t know why I am telling you even LOL.
Women are strong creatures, God made them strong. In every possible way in any given scenario women are mentally and emotionally and psychologically superior to men. By Nature. It’s the way God made them.

We, men, realize this but do not openly accept it.

A man always has an inner child inside him that never grows up and that needs to be nurtured and cared for. Some men TRY TO kill that inner child by making themselves believe that they do not need the nurturing or caring. That usually happens in a man’s life when he revolts against his natural, physical and emotional requirements usually the courage to take such an action comes from anger, emotional hurt, pain, sorrow, depression and all the other negative feelings that you can think of. More often than not the cause of these feelings happen to be a woman. Again more often than not, the woman turns out to be his first love. The woman that he truly fell in love with. Unfortunately in most men’s case it happens when they are not psychologically mature enough. Women mature faster than men, not just physically but in every other way possible too. { J I bet you are feeling good about being a woman, knowing you are superior and all J } So anyway, the man ends up with his heart broken because the whole affair of love happens too early for him and he doesn’t know how to be gentle and patient. So he ends up loosing the woman he loves for one reason or another.
When this happens, a part of him dies, its an emotional thing and kind of heard to explain. He looses the ability to be 100% truthful to every other girl that will come into his life, because he was truthful to one and poured open his heart to her and yet she broke it and went away. Now its an immature thing to judge that every other woman he opens his heart to will break it, but consider the fact that his first heart gets broken when he is still very young psychologically. Therefore, the event, permanently alters his psychological behavior, and he may be in his 30s or 40s when he realizes that it was wrong of him to never trust another woman or open up to another woman. But in the meantime he continues to date other woman mostly in his 20s and early 30s even. Not caring much about the fact thathe is in turn now breaking hearts and causing pain to women. Somehow it doesn’t matter to him. Deep in his heart he always remembers his first love with tenderness but would be ruthless to any other woman he is with no matter how much she claims to love him. He is only there to satisfy either his physical, or intellectual needs. He feeds off her and takes what he can before leaving. Leaving in search for the one true love he lost years ago, angry at himself for loosing it and angry at every other woman subconsciously because his first love was a woman.

Now this above case is not true for every single man, But it is a fair example and a summary of many reasons why most men are …. The way that they are!


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